
CHEN Qiang
slope reinforcement, tunnel geological disaster

CHEN Qiang

Professor for Geological Engineering

Research interests:slope reinforcement, tunnel geological disaster


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room ***

Phone: ***

Email:[email protected]


Ph.D. degree, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 2005

Master degree, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1994

Bachelor degree, China University of Mining and Technology, China, 1990


Professor,Department of Geological Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, 1994-

Engineer,Geological survey team, Sichuan coal geology bureau, 1990-1994

Research Interests:

My research mainly focuses on the geological disaster mechanism of tunnel and slope reinforcement technology. My group has achieved the results in the aspect of micro-pile reinforcement of slope, which has been applied to several engineering practices and generated significant economic benefits. Recently, I have focused on the research for the mechanism of slope reinforcement with transparent soil technology, which has greatly promoted the diversity of research methods.