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Introduction to Environmental Technology


应我院龚正君教授邀请,来自荷兰瓦格宁根大学环境工程学科带头人Huub H. M. Rijnaarts教授将于20181111日来我校进行学术交流,欢迎广大师生前来学习和交流。

地点:4243会议室 时间:2018-11-11, 9:30~11:30


Huub Rijnaarts 教授, 1957年生, 荷兰埃因霍温人,首席教授、博士生导师。现任荷兰瓦格宁根大学环境技术系主席,瓦格宁根大学环境与气候研究院院长,全荷环境科学与环境经济学科联合研究生院院长,阿姆斯特丹高级城市规划研究所委员会成员。主要从事环境污染控制技术方面的研究,涵盖水、土壤和地下水中微污染物的生物与物理化学法去除技术;脱盐;消毒;环境管理;土壤修复;城市环境系统工程等方向的基础理论和应用研究。近10年内,在Environmental Science & Technology Water Research, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Chemical Engineering JournalSCI期刊发表论文108篇,总他引次数2276次,H指数26,参编专著2部。学术兼职:AquaConSoil国际会议(每两年举办一次)主席,荷兰三角洲研究院学术委员会委员,Science of the Total Environment AquaConSoil国际会议特刊编辑。


瓦格宁根大学建立于1918年,位于荷兰中部的瓦格宁根市。今几十年来,瓦格宁根大学在植物科学、食品科学、农业技术、动物科学、环境科学与技术等方面研究已经取得了领先地位。目前,瓦格宁根大学在QS世界大学排行榜环境研究榜单排名世界第8 US-NEWS世界大学排行榜环境/生态学科榜单中排名世界第2

Prof.dr.ir. Huub Rijnaarts, professor in Environmental Technology, is currently the chair of Sub-department of Environmental technology of Wageningen University, director of Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research, chairman board of Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (a joint venture of the environmental research institutes of more than ten Dutch universities and research organizations), and board member of AMS, Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. His research interests include biological and physical/chemical removal of organics and micropollutants from water, soil and groundwater; sustainable desalinization; water disinfection; environmental management; urban/industrial harvest and safe reuse of urban and industrial water and related carbon and nutrient resources. He published 108 peer-reviewed journal articles in recent 10 years, on many SCI journals including Environmental Science & Technology Water Research, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Chemical Engineering Journal, with a total citation of 2276 (excluding self-citations) and an H-index of 26. He also contributed to 2 book chapters. He is also the Scientific Chairman of the international Bi-annual conference AquaConSoil 2008 (Milano), 2010 (Salzburg), 2012 (Barcelona), 2015 (Copenhagen), 2017 (Lyon) and 2019 (under negotiation) and editor of the related proceedings and special issues of Science of the Total Environment, and Member of The Science Council of Deltares, the Netherlands Institute on Deltatechnology.

About Wageningen University:

Wageningen University was founded in 1918. In recent decades it has evolved into one of the world`s leading education and research centres in the plant, animal, environmental, agrotechnological, food. It ranked No.8 in Environmental Studies in the QS World Universities Ranking, No.2 in Environment/Ecology in the US NEWS Global Universities Ranking.

Huub H. M. Rijnaarts教授
