American Frank International Investment Group is based on the funds from multinational groups in developed EU countries and from world-famous, financially component institutions. American Frank engages in international investment, international technology and cultural communication. We organize investors from America, Canada, Israel and some EU countries to collaborate with Chinese enterprises in the interest of international cooperation. American Frank International Investment Group headquarters locates in Washington and has branch offices throughout developing Asian nations. Our business involves joint development on high-tech projects, introducing advanced technology and equipment, organizing international cooperation among enterprises, aiding registered enterprises to apply international low-interest loan and finding cooperation partners. In particular, high-tech items are related to industry, public and environmental protection realms. Specifically, the realms include infrastructure, electronics, chemical industry, environmental production, biological engineering, chemical industry, medicine manufacturing, textile, food and animal husbandry. Meanwhile, direct investments contain wrapping paper, pharmaceutical manufacturing, deep-processing of agricultural food, manufacturing automobiles components, infrastructure construction, environmental protection and high technology .Our company strives to promote the cooperation and communication of the business and industrial sectors of China with renowned enterprises from many developed countries. To encourage an exchange of information related to economics and trade, American Frank International Investment Group provides many services to Chinese government authorities and enterprises. Namely, American Frank International Investment Group:
(1) Introduces projects and assists Chinese companies to enter economic markets in the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
(2) Develops partnerships between Chinese enterprises and international corporations from the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
(3) Acts as an agent for business and trade affairs in US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
(4) Encourages and assists Chinese enterprises to visit the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
(5) Offers training to Chinese enterprises visiting overseas nations;
(6) Encourages and assists Chinese enterprises to attend business exhibitions in the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
(7) Assists Chinese enterprises during their travels in the US, Canada, Northern Europe, and South East Asia.
American Frank International Investments Group is one of the biggest investment companies in the US. Our agency has branch offices in more than 50 countries and districts. American Frank forms a global business web. We have received high investors’ credibility based on our capital administration experience and our strong relationships with our business partners.
1、为中国引进项目,协助中国外向型企业开拓美国、加拿大、 北欧、东南亚地区市场。2、寻求美国、加拿大、北欧、东南亚地区商贸合作伙伴 3、代 理美国、加拿大、北欧、东南亚地区经贸业务。4、协助策划中国企业家去美国、加拿大、 北欧、东南亚地区商务考察。5、举办出国项目培训。6、协助参加美国、加拿大、东南亚地区 、欧洲商展。7、接待美国、加拿大、东南亚地区、 欧洲商务旅行。
美国弗兰克国际投资集团主要业务是以欧盟发达国家跨国集团及世界著名金融机构为依托,专门从事国际技术、组织美国、加拿大、以色列、欧盟各国及东南亚地区的投资商与中国大陆企业开展广泛的项目联合开发,企业国际合作。因业务拓展需要,诚聘下述人才:1、聘用有专科以上学历或有1-2年工作经历有开拓精神的社会人才2、欢迎各大学,职校,大一、大二、大三、应届毕业生(专科生、本科生、研究生)前来实习和全职工作。招聘职位:、翻译助理、总经理助理、,高级文员,项目助理、、经理助理、文秘,{专职}1-25名)福利待遇:实习有实习补贴(1500元,奖金500-2000元)。,实习期间表现优秀者予以正式聘用。若被聘用工作优秀者送出国学习。正式员工底薪3000元。上不封顶。办理国家规定缴纳的所有保险。要求:目前仅限女性,身高:160cm-175cm,专科以上学历。 (专业不限。)教育,英文专业优先。另需电子、计算机,机械、农业、生物等毕业生。 应聘者请交:电子简历。内容必须包括:姓名、性别、身高、出生年月、爱好特长、父母工作情况、标准照/生活照各一张2、注意我单位接收电子简历 。(因人数有限,请尽快答复何时能最早何时能实习来面试的时间,此答复可用邮件。请说明应聘者最好先将简历发电子邮件直接与马先生联系。手机:15210595675,15007144697电话: 010-62950847:E-mail:
[email protected] 北京代表处电话: 电话:01082830119 / 01080937059 传真: 01082830119/01062950847
手机: 15210595675,15007144697网址: Http://www.USAFRK. com
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